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"Vaxxed Ramifications and Studies 2023/2024. with comments"

Writer's picture: Gigi BelserGigi Belser

Updated: Dec 18, 2024

( to make a comment: go beyond the end of any page you are reading and the box is there for comments).

Credit: Dr. Judy Milkovits on Twitter. August 21 2023 #mask

12.18.2024 Australia Drug Regulators Knows DNA fragments in mRna vaccines can enter nucleus and integrate into genome, internal emails show. ( It just never stops!)

"2nd Smartest Guy in the World" publishes ....

Vaccinated Youth death study: 3.3.2024.

Fenbendazole for Turbo Cancer: A vaxxxx side effect. Imagine that! Nov 9 2023

The Vigilant Fox Nov 9 2023

"This Nobel Prize-Winning Drug Is Now Quietly Under Attack: It's Not Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin Enter Artemisia Annua (Artemisin, Sweet Wormwood), a cheap, safe, ancient herbal medicine and anti-malarial that also treats COVID-19. "

DNA Contamination in Vaccines: Cancer Risk. Epoch Times: Trailer here. Airs Nov 9 at 9 pm EST.

"We Can't Force the Human Body to Accept Foreign Genetic Code". ( never could. never will). Oct 2023

Dr. amazing interview. Oct 2023

Sept 11 2023 Greg Hunter with Dr. Ead...these numbers have been predicted and are astonishing..Unvaxxd in particular need to listen to this chat. Ivermectin, Nattokinase, Bromelain,Curcumin to combat the spike protein and blood clots...with the studies.

Dr. Tenpenny: Sept 2 2023 more in vaccines:

McCullough: Spike Protein in blood for months. Sept 2023

August 2023 Hearing in cannot make this stuff up! ggb

August 2023 : Book Review: mRna toxicity.

Sasha Latypova:

"The authors’ main conclusions:

We thus conclude that overall the immune-mediated attack on cells that express the antigen encoded by the mRNA vaccine is the leading pathogenetic mechanism. This does not mean, however, that the other two mechanisms of harm should be discounted. Direct spike protein effects may well contribute to early adverse events after the first injection, particularly in those without any preexisting immunity to the virus. The toxicity of cationic lipids cannot be dismissed either, for the following reasons: 1. almost no safety studies were conducted on these substances during the dysfunctional approval processes of the COVID-19 vaccines, but the rudimentary ones which were performed gave clear indications of toxicity (see Section 6.1); 2. the induction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by cationic lipids (see Section 5.3.3) will cause DNA damage. This damage will stay behind even after the lipids themselves have been eliminated, which means that toxicity will be cumulative; 3. since cationic lipids are a necessary ingredient of all mRNA vaccines (see Section 5.1.4), their toxicity will accumulate across all doses of all mRNA vaccines, rather than just across all doses of a single such vaccine.

The book covers key mechanism of mRNA vaccine toxicity:

1. the chemical toxicity of lipid nanoparticles

2. direct toxicity of the spike protein, whose expression is induced by the vaccines

3. the destructive effects of the immune response to the spike protein."

Dr. Judy Mikovits | "Every Vaccine Since 1986 Has Been a Bioweapon!" & "Vaccination Is Not Immunization It Is Sterilization & Extermination." - Dr. Judy Mikovits + Are COVID-19 Shots a Bio-Weapon? (august 2023)

Australian GP sues Pfizer and Moderna...full of info. July 2023

You can bet your sweet ass the CDC misled the public: Kyle Becker Substact July 2 2023 .GGB

CDC KNEW.......JUNE 27 2023 CHAT WITH DR. PETER McCullough


Lab leak...yep..had this vision early on...lab leak. June 2023

CV vaxxx effects on the immune system. Major study: MDPI: "Vaccines". Published May 17 2023

"As the immunity provided by these vaccines rapidly wanes, their ability to prevent hospitalization and severe disease in individuals with comorbidities has recently been questioned, and increasing evidence has shown that, as with many other vaccines, they do not produce sterilizing immunity, allowing people to suffer frequent re-infections. Additionally, recent investigations have found abnormally high levels of IgG4 in people who were administered two or more injections of the mRNA vaccines. HIV, Malaria, and Pertussis vaccines have also been reported to induce higher-than-normal IgG4 synthesis."

" However, emerging evidence suggests that the reported increase in IgG4 levels detected after repeated vaccination with the mRNA vaccines may not be a protective mechanism; rather, it constitutes an immune tolerance mechanism to the spike protein that could promote unopposed SARS-CoV2 infection and replication by suppressing natural antiviral responses. Increased IgG4 synthesis due to repeated mRNA vaccination with high antigen concentrations may also cause autoimmune diseases, and promote cancer growth and autoimmune myocarditis in susceptible individuals."

Cancer Protocol : With Fenbendazole ( "Turbo" Cancer now off the walls}

July 2 2023: Dr. Betsy Eads with Greg Hunter...Cancer Exploding due to CV19 Vaxxx.


"So, in 2022, those numbers went from 26,561 to 47,000. That is a two-fold increase. That’s a direct result of the mRNA (CV19) shots. In 2023, it went up six-fold to 297,000 breast cancer cases, and we are not even done with 2023. That may be as high as 500,000 breast cancer cases. So, cancer is exploding, and there is a direct correlation to the mRNA (CV19) vaccines. . . . The data is just pouring out. The Department of Defense DMED data has cancers up 600% to 1,300%.”

These 2023 year numbers for breast cancer are literally off the wall..women under 45. Ivermectin, and Fenbendazole, with B17 ( apricot seeds ground up) for many cancers. GGB.

Dr. David Martin...CV Summit May 2023 want to hear this one: 20+ mil views on Twitter.

Fauci...lying and manipulating his way out: April 30 2023 NYT.

Much coming out now verifying this 'jab' is a bioweapon with the likes of Karen Kingston, Drs. Peter McCullough and Paul Alexander leading the way as well as some key folks on SubStack. Gettr. Twitter. MargaretAnnaAlice and Dr. Tess Lawrie are warning with writings and videos...doing great work. Here is one example out today..April 9 2023:

I will be adding a substantial amount of links in the next few days, as I am just putting this post up.

But first to my latest observations: " They are coming for You" is no longer a catchy phrase. Implanting mRna nano particles into our food stream and air is how they are going to nail the unvaxxxd...besides the 'not well understood' shedding issues from those that are vaxxxd. This will prove to be the 'year of anger' as those who blindly followed these dark ones in this unparalleled spiritual war in which we find ourselves with the future of a humanity on this planet at risk now and is now, unbelievably, in some question. Trust me here. Folks turn to their God and pray, but then do not publicly voice their inner knowings and truth...becoming then co-dependent with society or their family tribe. The problem is- that then 'they win" ( the insidious dark here) as these voices remain unheard, save the very brave.

That is no longer good enough. Is anyone feeling lately an echo chamber of the past? Both Nazi Germany and the last great depression seem to be merging quickly into this timeline with the addition of sentient off planet A.I. ( A tricky statement- but I have met it in the inner worlds and it is very real and very dangerous). And it is moving in ways that are difficult to recognize before it just whizzed by you.

Do we then wake up one morning, much to our surprise, having made that first cup of coffee, to see that your portfolios of all ilk are drained and you are now assigned a digital # to live your life. This is now longer years out. The tech is so advanced and so under wraps that we can feel we are living in a star trek series that we didn't know we signed up for. Whoops...WTH just happened here. Anyone noticing that your thought forms are showing up in a search on your computer the next morning? How does that happen. It is not a glitch. It is real. We are at war. We are in a war.

Don't act like this will just pass you by. It won't. They intend on winning and have more tricks up their collective sleeves. The stunner is just how many of them they are to have pulled this off to date. They must be stopped. Not Yesterday. Not Tomorrow. Today. Easter Sunday. GGB ( posts to follow but check out the Cures thread for what to do now for your physical body).

Mask Study: ( they do not I surprised?.. nope)

Just common sense makes this a no brainer.

The Psychology of Fear by Meredith Miller: " When the Illusion Collapses" April 13 2023

I really like this woman's work. On target.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche: answer to the Q. can this virus 'simmer down"

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalea : 'A Warning to Humanity ...." ( synthetic biology polymer filaments in human blood- vaxxd or not!)..April 12 2023 . ( Her work is stunning!!)

HCQ & Azithromycin study: early and late intervention. April 2023. Dr. Alexander.

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